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NAME (year)


Donald Pitts(2025)

Classically trained, Donald has played roles from the Duchess in 'Alice in Wonderland' to Clarence Darrow. During his study of theater performance and design at Southern Methodist University - Meadows School of Fine Arts, he was cast in several supporting and leading roles in a number of stage productions, including ‘A Man’s Man’ by Bertolt Brecht and ‘The Royal Hunt of The Sun’ by Peter Schaefer. Pitts first became interested in acting during his freshman year at Bryan Adams High School in Dallas, TX and continued his study on full scholarship at SMU. His formal studies have included classical acting, stage and screen combat techniques, set and costume design, pantomime, modern dance, musical theater and improvisation. Since retiring from the practice of law, Donald has turned his focus, once again, to performance in the film, television, advertising commercial, radio, music video, and voice-over genres. More recently, Donald has worked on numerous short and festival film productions, including Sir William Geoffrey, in the feature film 'Project Hollywood'; Virgil in 'The Secret’s We Keep'; Antonio in'Misfit’s Prick'; Grandpa Art in 'Sunsprite'; and The Agent in the comedy pilot 'The Runners', in which Donald also co-produced and served as Production Designer and Set Dresser. All who have worked with Don will attest to his dedication to the acting craft; his ability to breathe life into a character; and the creative “added value” he brings to any project. He is a people person and a gifted actor. Donald Pitts lives in Topanga, California, and when not working, enjoys jamming and writing music with friends, cooking, painting and helping with animal rescue projects.


Filme (2)

The DjinnThe Old Man